For the 2 and a half people who've noticed my absence from this space, its because I was overwhelmed with Family and visitors for the last couple of months. And when I wasn't surrounded by that mayhem, I was recovering or doing my other most favourite thing to do these days (NOT), Job hunting!
Anyway, back to the topic of an over-bearing family. There was a time, long long LONG, time back, I mean it almost feels like another era altogether, when I was actually so involved with weavings of family happenings and politics, that it felt rather natural to have all the drama going on at all times. So involved was I, that a peaceful non-controversial, unexciting day was the hardest and longest thing to go through. Then, I was uprooted from the midst of the family forrest, to a "family draught" infested region. That was the place where I just craved to be around the noise and chaos again. It was moving from a bird sanctuary to the Antartica. From chirping and movement, to such a still that I could hear the twig, a mile away, break.
So well, as life is, you get acclamatised to even the most ruthless conditions, and eventually the quiet started to sound almost musical, and necessary. Then, when at certain intervals, the noise broke out, it was welcome only for that time being, because I knew I'd be going back to my quiet again. And then catastrophe struck. I was thrown in the midst of roaring to a birdcage....the noise levels have just sky-rocketed and I even need a sound blocker to hear my own thoughts. Well, I guess I will get used to the overwhelmingly overbearing situation, but cannot promise to stay sane.
Hence, the absence was absolutely excusable. The herd that came charging at me has left me breathless ...and i'm still trying to find my bearings. Need time. Need Quiet. Shh....quite now...yes...thank you...
Hey! I said QUIET!